The modern methods of psoriasis treatment

The skin of the condition are, generally, manifestations of internal problems of the body: reduction of immunity, diseases of the vital organs, poisoning, stress. Therefore, the therapy is often extends over years, and a disease such as psoriasis, until now, is considered incurable. However, there is good news...

When one speaks of the impossibility of complete healing of any disease, which means that it manifests itself to varying degrees throughout life. Do these rare events and do not causando a strong discomfort of modern medicine, quite.

the means of treatment of psoriasis

What depends on the choice of the method of treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that can have causes that are very diverse. It is diagnosed at any age in people of both sexes, although most often, it manifests itself in the periods: 16-22 years and 57 to 60 years (so-called at the age of peaks). According to the World health organization, of psoriasis suffer from 4% of the world population.

Another name for psoriasis — scaly ringworm. The disease manifests itself in the form of itchy patches or plaques of pink color, covered with silvery scales. Rashes localized at the level of the knee and elbow folds, the scalp, the hands, the feet. Running a form of psoriasis affecting the nails.

Unlike other types of hair, psoriasis does not spread from person to person and is probably autoimmune in nature. Its treatment must be based primarily on the diagnosis of the reasons why the body begins to attack its own skin cells. These reasons can be:

  • a genetic predisposition (about one third of cases);
  • allergies;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • the reaction to a medication or an overdose of them;
  • the damage to the skin in case of injury or inflammation;
  • the stress;
  • history of infectious diseases (influenza, angina);
  • alcoholism;
  • the consumption of tobacco.

Approximately 30% of patients develop psoriatic arthritis (Psa), which leads to disability. To avoid heavy complications, to diagnose psoriasis and begin the necessary treatment as early as possible.

Current approaches to treatment

The treatment must be individualized and comprehensive, and may not be universal for all the schema, as in the onset and development of psoriasis may be a member of too many factors, including the psychological state of the patient. Generally, it is necessary to apply a number of techniques, ranging from more respectful and surface and gradually increasing the healing on the different systems of the body. However, this does not solve the problem of co-morbidities, detected in over 50% of patients with psoriasis and worsen the clinical picture such as inflammation of the different divisions of the gastro-intestinal tract, lor-bodies, the urinary system, as well as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus. Requires experience and knowledge of the doctors in several branches of medicine, but often high-performance show methods of treatment of substitution. Thus, the popular approaches of tibetan medicine, aimed at the optimization of all the vital processes in the body first aid.

Methods of effective treatment for psoriasis

Psoriasis has been known since ancient times, therefore, the methods of treatment are based on observations of patients. Found that the relief of their state contribute to the progressive sun exposure, nutrition, stress reduction, early treatment of infections, the readjustment of large pockets to deprive. These data have found their application in the development of different types of therapies.

methods of treatment of psoriasis

The drug treatment

Lasts not less than six weeks, and is mainly outside. Mainly medicines remedies prescribed for psoriasis, are powerful and have a number of side effects. At the onset of nausea, vomiting, decreased vision, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

  • The vitamin D3 and that is to say, the Ointments, the agencies of dermatotropic and antipsoriatic action containing vitamin D analogues — calcipotriol , tacalcitol, calcitriol, and-vitaminum-sicut tools. Against children and pregnant women should not apply more than 20 to 35% of the surface of the skin. The combination of these drugs with each other and with the vitamins may strengthen both their treatment and the side effects. Taking this into account, designed and balanced combined outside of the tool, which contains a complex of retinol palmitate (vitamin A), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2).
  • Taking immunosuppressant drugs (concurrent immunosuppressive). These include drugs such as methotrexate , cyclosporine and leflunomide. The side effects can affect the kidneys, the pancreas and the liver, as well as to express themselves in high blood pressure, tremor, weakness, headache, skin reactions. Have an anti-inflammatory action, reduce the effects.
  • The corticosteroids. Hormonal of the tool in the form of ointments, creams, emulsions, gels. Expressed anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, and antiallergic action. Are named as a single component, external drugs containing glucocorticoids with long duration of action and III–IV of the class of the activity, clobetasol, betamethasone , triamcinolone, mometasone, methylprednisolone, and combined with other active antibiotics, salicylic acid, urea. The receipt of medicines steroids in psoriasis is not attributed because of the high probability of the effect of the cancellation: first, there has been an improvement in the well-being of the patient, but after the end of medication, it is worse than before the treatment. The main idea of the corticosteroid — maximize the therapeutic effect at the least possible doses.
  • Of innovative medicines. Apply mainly abroad and are a great value. It should be understood that the removal of the immunity usually leads to frequent respiratory infections, and diarrhea, nausea and chronic headaches, and, consequently, in the absence of improvement after five months of the above application, and medications to suppress.


The exposure to the light, the sound and the electrical current of a frequency which is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and gives a minimum of side effects.

  • The effects of UV radiation. Good imitation of sunlight, which could be organized in the clinic, tanning beds or at home. It is important to agree the length and frequency of procedures of a physician and do not exceed. A side effect — aging of the skin, the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • Use narrow band UVB-therapy with a wavelength of 311 nm. An innovative method is applied as a monotherapy. The duration of treatment is 2.5 months for a duration of a procedure in a few minutes. The procedures are set at three times per week. Stresses visible clinical improvement and long-term remission at 2 years.
  • The ultrasound therapy. Anti-inflammatory, resolving, analgesic, antiprurigineux the action. Has no contraindications, but may not be used in psoriasis on the scalp.
  • PUVA. Photochemotherapy, effective during the eruption on the scalp, palms, and soles of the feet. The course is 15-25 procedures of the local impact of uv radiation, a duration of 3-4 hours.
  • Electric. The procedures are aimed at improving the state of the nervous system of the patient in cases where there is a strong stress factor. With the help of the impact on the brain of low-current pulse, the patient artificially plunged in sleep. The course can be 12-30 procedures for a duration of 30 to 40 minutes. The device turns off immediately after the patient is asleep, awakening occurs independently and calm.
  • Laser therapy. The course of 7-9 procedures that do not last more than 3 minutes. The laser radiation normalizes and restores the epidermis and prevents the formation of new lesions. The remission lasts for at least a year, and when the treatment of psoriasis may not disturb the patient for several years.
the ways of psoriasis treatment pills

During the assignment, the course physiotherapy is important not to miss of the procedure, not to reduce, but not increase their number, at their discretion.

The surgical treatment

It is rarely used, because it is an additional stress to the body, but in some cases, it can significantly improve the patient's condition.

In the case where the occurrence of psoriasis is due to sui elit of the body from the gut, applies the allowing Martynov. Surgically retrieves the sealing of the valve between the thin and large intestines, which provides protection properties, blocking the path pathogenic on the subject of germs. After this plastic surgery is celebrated for the relief of the state of patients, not only with psoriasis, but with allergies, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, peptic ulcer.

Also the surgical techniques used in the nail psoriasis: the removal of the nail may solve the problem, and in its place grow healthy nail plate.


A thermal cure in the heat of the marine or mountain, the climate solar seasons has a beneficial effect on the state of patients with psoriasis. The most popular of the coast of the Dead sea (Israel, Jordan), the Pamir mountains (Tajikistan). Particularly effective is the combination of a favorable climate and the rate of the thermal baths.


Excess weight is one of the triggering factors of psoriasis, in addition, in this disease, we often observe cases of fat dystrophy of the liver. Dietary prescribed a complete rejection of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, the power reduction of the amount of flour and confectionery products. The basis of the diet should be milk, meat, herbal products, it is useful to fish. If the patient throughout the life came even isolated cases of allergic reactions to certain products — for example, chocolate, citrus, honey, should also be removed.

Correction of lifestyle

For patients with psoriasis are not valid for all options of intoxication of the organism, associated with a mode of life: smoking, alcohol consumption, consumption of fast food, work on the industries, the use of caustic household. In the premises to follow the intervals of cleaning of the dust and wool of domestic animals do not cause the risk of allergies. Reduction of stress levels, sleep, rest in a timely manner, the walks in the open air will be beneficial for the patient psoriatic.

Diet and correction of lifestyle — deceptively simple methods of treatment. If the list is too long and is patient claustrophobic, the use will not be. It is necessary to distinguish between the violence of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, situational consumption of tobacco and the dependency to nicotine, the bicarbonate of promiscuity and cravings to the harmful effects of the products, due to changes in hormonal pathologies. If you have years of bad habits need to complement the diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic diseases.

The methods of traditional medicine

At home to relieve the condition of patients with psoriasis often use popular disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and antiburn means. This is a variety of ointments and lotions on the basis of birch tar, solidol, sulphate of copper, a warm bath with herbs (celandine, a series) or of the salts. The ingredients can be purchased separately and mix according to the order or buy in a pharmacy finished of the ointment base of plants of the collection or of the tool to the bathroom. The side effects are generally minimal, but the therapeutic effect is sometimes expressed poorly. These methods can be applied further in the context of the treatment of psoriasis.

The approaches of tibetan medicine

Tibetan medicine is valid for the treatment of psoriasis in several directions:

  • the purification of the lymph, the blood, the liver, the bile ducts;
  • the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving immunity;
  • the harmonization of the psychoemotional background;
  • the removal of the skin itching and burning.
the means of treatment of psoriasis ointment

To achieve these goals and objectives apply to different types of points therapy of acupuncture, moxibustion), massage (point, blank, with the help of hot stones), the integration of herbal medicine (teas, ointments, compresses, baths). The difference of tibetan medicine is sweet suspendisse libero effects on the body on a deeper level, to treat the causes of psoriasis with the first procedures, which does not offer european medicine. Sensitive to the methods of tibetan medicine, the patients can obtain in a few weeks, an effect comparable to that of the years of complex treatment in the clinical european.

Psoriasis is a disease that requires a careful approach, without a rapid resumption of income. A doctor qualified in the awarding of a course of treatment will be guided by complex data and, if necessary, make adjustments to the frequency, duration and orientation of the procedure. In the different periods of life, depending on age, hormone levels, the development of chronic diseases, the conditions of life and work at some methods may lose their effectiveness, and others to go to the front. Self-discipline, the correction of a mode of life and the calm of the relationship of trust with the doctor to help make the event psoriasis is rare and minimal.